Tasman Medical Journal

ISSN: 2652-1881

Welcome to Tasman Medical Journal

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It is my great pleasure to welcome readers and future contributors to the Tasman Medical Journal, the first imprint of Tasman Journals (www.tasmanjournals.com).  These names refer to the reach of water that lies between Australia and New Zealand, named after Abel Janszoon Tasman (1603-1659), and are intended to highlight our emphasis on work from Australasian researchers.  TMJ offers them an alternative vector for their work, but not exclusively; submissions from other countries will be warmly welcomed.

The three main existing Australasian medical journals are financed via subscriptions and supported by their respective institutions.  Under that traditional model, no publication fees are levied.  This journal offers publication with full on-line open access at a modest cost to the author, to cover expenses, but with discounted fees for undergraduate and postgraduate (MSc or PhD) students, including clinical trainees working towards a College Fellowship which includes a mandatory research project.  TMJ satisfies all relevant criteria to avoid being regarded as a “fake” or “predatory” journal: (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Predatory_open-access_publishing).  We will make ourselves known by personal contact, the quality of our articles and softer marketing initiatives.  Accordingly, we expect our initial growth to be slow.  The journal will seek association with international abstracting services and has obtained the International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) shown above.  I have in the past acted as author or reviewer for the three major Australian and New Zealand journals and hope that TMJ will develop a friendly and productive relationship with each of them.

All submitted full articles will be accepted and peer-reviewed externally using Manuscript Manager, unless the articles arise by invitation or are short articles such as case reports.  We will demand a high standard of polite reviews and will give due weight to the opinions of authors.  Systems will be in place to resolve disputes between authors and reviewers. Full details of the publication categories, word limits, fees and fee discounts for junior researchers can be found on our website (www.tasmanmedicaljournal.com).  I look forward to receiving, reading and publishing your articles and seeing them develop collectively into a substantial corpus of medical knowledge.

J Alasdair Millar
Editor, Tasman Medical Journal

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