Tasman Medical Journal

ISSN: 2652-1881

Royal Perth Hospital Special Issue

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This issue of the Journal breaks new ground, by focusing on the research output of a single major Australasian teaching hospital, the Royal Perth Hospital.  To our knowledge, this has not previously been attempted by any medical journal and we thank the RPH research establishment and contributing authors for their enthusiastic support of the idea.  We hope to obtain similar support from other teaching hospitals across Australia and New Zealand for future special issues.

The topics submitted range from the health effects of climate change to important changes in antibiotic sensitivity on the part of Helicobacter pylori, avoiding misinterpretation of clinical trials in stroke, the application of information technology to medicine, assessment of cardiac risk prior to surgery, and other titles to come.  The first topic was chosen before the full emergence in Australia of massive and destructive bushfires, floods and dust storms with associated injuries and deaths, and loss of property, businesses, natural habitat, and wildlife.  The total economic cost has yet to be determined but it is likely to be substantial.  There is a clear need for rational discussion on the mechanisms of climate change and how to minimize its impact on Australia and on the health of its population.

The issue contents will be published on the website progressively, up to the formal publication date of April 1.  The relevant papers will be identified by the addition of the RPH crest to the title pages.  We hope readers will appreciate our experiment.

JA Millar, Editor.

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