Tasman Medical Journal provides scientific and medical researchers on both sides of the Tasman Sea, including undergraduate and postgraduate students and Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP) clinical trainees, a quality on-line platform for publication in a global context.
You may have questions about who we are, our overall philosophy and organizational structure before deciding whether the Journal is a good place for your scientific and medical articles.
Why another Journal? Aren’t we awash with new on-line Journals?
Researchers are indeed exposed constantly to new on-line journals seeking their work. Many report receiving 4-6 such requests daily, and this is the editor’s own experience. From their often execrable English and misidentification of research interests, it would appear that the journals are not real and that the emails are generated by software from a list and sent out as broadcasts. They often have no address or claim unconvincingly to come from the US. The main interest is likely to be financial rather than the pursuit of scientific truth. Journals published by Tasman Journals including TMJ are not associated with such advertising methods. TMJ believes that ethical conduct is the principle by which the journal’s reputation will grow. TMJ does charge a modest publication fee to cover costs but its main motivation is to create a further avenue for medical and scientific publication in Australasia while being open to a global audience.
TMJ will be available on-line to all from the point of upload to the Web. TMJ satisfies the criteria for NOT being regarded as a fake or predatory journal and will be published quarterly. TMJ hopes to adopt a constructive relationship with the three established Australasian medical journals.
TMJ publications satisfy criteria for indexing by Google Scholar.
What is different about TMJ?
Several things. First, we are privately owned and owe no allegiances. We do not accept advertising or commercial sponsorship. We are determined to make our columns available to researchers in training, such as PhD students and clinical College trainees. This support will take the form of substantial discounts on publication fees. Our submission process is simple and allows authors maximum formatting discretion in submitting their work. We will actively discourage partisan reviewing. Other than that, TMJ will appear similar to other legitimate on-line journals. All reviews will be via Manuscript Manager on a double-blind basis between authors and reviewers. Our journal and website are under constant review under a policy of continuous improvement. We are proud to display throughout our website and journal issues photographs of the Tasman Sea, which symbolizes our whole of Australasia approach.
Who is involved?
Tasman Journals and its individual Journals (currently TMJ) was created by Prof Alasdair Millar PhD FRACP FRCP. His CV can be found on the TJ website. Alasdair is the editor of TMJ. He has worked with the team at Manuscript Manager to develop a submission process that allows the journal to keep publication fees as low as possible. Alasdair draws on international experience as a consultant physician and clinical researcher to have developed a smooth process from submission to publication. We will establish an editorial panel for each Journal according to need.
Please contact us if you wish to clarify any of the above or ask additional questions. We look forward to receiving your manuscripts!